Big Top Of She Wolf
She Wolf Of London Fanlisting
Subject: TV Show: She Wolf of LondonSince: 23 April 2009
Members: 11
Pending: 0
Last Update: March 9 2025
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Welcome to Big Top of She Wolf
Welcome to the Big Top of She Wolf, the fanlisting for She Wolf Of London/Love and Curses, a short lived werewolf themed TV series. This fanlisting is approved by
DVD News
Some good She Wolf of London DVD news:
Buy She-Wolf of London: Complete Series
from Amazon!
About She Wolf of London
She Wolf of London was a TV series about an American student (Randi Wallace) who travels to England to study mythology and gets bitten by a werewolf after a night camping on the moors. She is then determined to find a cure so enlists the help of her professor (Ian Matheson)
This series started of with British and American backers, after 14 episodes the British backers pulled out which forced the show and the premises to move to LA for the final 6 episodes. As the show was no longer set in London a new name of Love and Curse was given to the series. Ian became an talk show host on mythology and Randi became his assistant. The show was unfortunately not renewed for a second season
What's a Fanlisting?
A Fanlisting is a list of fans from a particular subject i.e. TV Show, Band, Book, TV show pairing etc. There can only be one fanlisting for each subject, this site hosts the Fanlisting for She Wolf of London/Love and Curses.
Why 'Big Top Of She Wolf'?
Big Top She Wolf was one of the episode names - seemed like a good place to start